“One nation Under Blackmail” by Whitney Webb. Get It!! Share it!
The time is now to learn the truth before the organized criminals who have our governments in a death grip send the world over the brink of extinction
There is a great final battle coming right now. It has already started. If the trans-humanists win we will all learn the meaning of death and worse, living death, the death of everything worth living for. My young friends, if they win there will be literally no future for the babies you now hold in your arms.
How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves | Whitney Webb | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 162 - YouTube
This interview with Whitney Webb is indeed the most important single hour you will ever hear. Her book (two volumes) "One Nation Under Blackmail”. Please, get the hard copy, read it and learn from it. Whitney Webb does the quintessential American thing, she tells the truth and leaves the reader free to choose the path forward because you can’t solve a problem if you don’t know what the problem really is.
Whitney Webb: “My politics is, I don’t want my government to be run by organized crime.”
Don’t let the ordinariness of that phrase, “organized crime” lull you to sleep. We absolutely must not let ourselves be fooled by our own smugness. I have heard this type of phrase ad nauseam from my liberal friends over the last two years on line and in person and I have said it myself, “I’m not surprised, I knew it all along!” I don’t want to say it anymore, there’s no time left for such foolishness.
I have studied history and I have watched it flower into a great decision for all of my life so I know just enough to know that this young woman is the one who has got it right. Our governments are being run by organized crime. The essence of the last century of history, including the first two world wars, has been the progress of the takeover of our nations from within – from within!! – by an international criminal conspiracy so evil that decent people cannot even dream a nightmare accurate enough to describe it.
The next ten years – possibly the last mortal years of my life – will be the years of decision between life and death for the entire world.
Whitney Webb on How Government Steals From Us, Bombshell Epstein Book, #Bitcoin & Decentralization - YouTube
Who was the mentor of Donald Trump? Roy Cohn who was the chief advisor and mentor of Senator Joseph McCarthy in the early 50s and thus the activator of the McCarthy era along with J. Edgar Hoover. Cohn was also involved with The Mob, the loose conglomeration we call American Organized crime, and thus he and Hoover were both victims and perpetrators with their Mob associates of sexual blackmail as a way to power within the US government. Jeffrey Epstein was not unique, he was typical.
I’ll add my two cents: Who was the mentor of Barack Obama? William “Billy” Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground who, by the early 2000s had become a “distinguished educator” in Chicago. What was the organization that was and is behind Ayers and his associates Bernadine Dohrn and [cop killer] Kathy Boudin [also now a university professor] and thus behind their natural and adopted son San Francisco DA (now former DA, I believe) Chesa Boudin? The CIA, only one of whose CFOs is George Soros, funder of Chesa’s political career as well as those of Kim Fox, DA of Chicago, and many other recent district attorneys and mayors of major US cities. All of this is a matter of public record in mainstream sources and public intellectuals today have really very little excuse not to face up to it.
Yet what do I read in so many mainstream sites and outlets but endless fluffy-headed debates about why there’s a new wave of crime virtually dissolving all the major cities of the USA? Debates about why the Republicans or the Democrats seem so feckless. Never one mention of the CIA. In the collective mind of New York Times and Wall Street Journal alumni and the rest of the New York and Washington commentariat the “Intelligence Community” stands apart, its fleece as white as snow. Jesus wept bloody tears!
From the very origin of what was to become the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services formed by William Donavan in 1942, the CIA has been a conjoined twin of American Organized Crime. I’ll be more specific: through Meyer Lansky and Lucky Luciano the OSS and then its new incarnation the CIA was and is a conjoined twin of the Israeli Mob.
Which brings us right back to Donald Trump. Specifically, I’m thinking about the murder of Iranian General Soleimani and Iraqi General Al-Muhandes by a drone strike honchoed by the CIA commander Mike D’Andrea on January 3, 2020. Trump was persuaded to make himself a participant in murder and a stooge for the CIA in order to save his presidency from impeachment by the GOP senators who had his nuts in a vice that day and weeks before. Trump had not been shy about resurrecting the old-school vulgarity of Lyndon Johnson in the service of the Israel Lobby when in late 2019 Trump threatened the Iraqi leaders that they would be personally murdered if they didn’t play ball.
Just a couple of way stations on the historical primrose path to the absolute takeover of the US government by organized crime.
By assembling open source articles and documents Whitney Web has traced the progress of the CIA becoming operationally indistinguishable from Murder Incorporated during the ‘70s and ‘80s at the beck and call of powerful elite families at the top of the heap in Washington.
I know young Whitney Webb has it absolutely correct. I have been a long time student of Leroy Fletcher Prouty so I learned from his books and from his article from 1975 titled “Introduction to the Assassination Business"
Leroy Fletcher Prouty was subordinate to Edward Lansdale in command of the “Black Ops” operations directorate of the CIA until he retired in 1964. The reason why he bugged out of the CIA can be understood by watching Oliver Stone’s 1992 movie, “JFK” where Prouty, who consulted on the making of the film, was portrayed by the fictional character “Man X” played by Donald Sutherland.
By 1971 Fletch Prouty was publishing articles in the only outlets the CIA’s suppression had left to him which were men’s magazines. That year he published his first book, “The Secret Team: The CIA and its Allies in Control of America and the World”. The book was literally bought up and pulped by the CIA except for a few hundred copies scattered in university libraries all over America. It was only after 1992 that he was able to reprint “The Secret Team” and issue his “JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy”.
And just as I write, it occurs to me to wonder if the notoriety Fletch gained by publishing his books saved his life [until June of 2001]. Or maybe Edward Lansdale was an influence that protected him on the mutual understanding unspoken between them that Fletch would be careful not to be too specific about the operational details of “JFK" as long as Ed Lansdale was alive.
Be that as it may, in 1975 Fletch managed to publish this article in an obscure men’s magazine where it received the same contemptuous attention that Larry Flint was accorded in the National Inquirer.
"An Introduction to the Assassination Business," by L. Fletcher Prouty
© 1975 By L. Fletcher Prouty
"Assassination is big business. It is the business of the CIA and any other power that can pay for the "hit" and control the assured getaway.
The CIA brags that its operations in Iran in 1953 led to the pro-Western attitude of that important country. The CIA also takes credit for what it calls the "perfect job" in Guatemala. Both successes were achieved by assassination. What is this assassination business and how does it work?
"In most countries there is little or no provision for change of political power. Therefore the strongman stays in power until he dies or until he is removed by a coup d'etat -- which often means by assassination. The instance, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, for all of his wealth and seeming power, died from an assassin's bullet even though he was protected by an elite guard trained by a private contractor selected by the United States Department of Defense. This brings up the question of mechanics.
"Foreign assassination, and to a degree domestic assassinations, are set in motion not so much by a specific plan to kill the intended victim as by efforts to remove or relax the protective organization around the target. Thus, if the CIA secretly lets it be known that it is displeased with a certain ruler and that it would not act against a new regime, some cabal will certainly move against him… This is how the passive "displeasure" of the CIA kills. The same applies to domestic assassinations. Consider the following event.
The autopsy was routine: suicide. A high government official, recently promoted, was found alone in his house, dead and with his rifle beside him. A single bullet had shattered his head. There were no other signs of violence. A poorly typed note to his wife and son lay on the table near him. The hastily scribbled signature was his own. But the "suicide" was an assassination. After his promotion, the official had found papers in the files of his predecessor that showed that the law had been broken, that huge payoffs had been made, and that cases had been judged on the basis of favoritism and bribery. Consequently, a major industry had suffered grievously. An earlier administration had accepted this corruption as part of its technique of staying in power.
The new official, a fair and honest man, had been deeply troubled by what he had found. He had told his superiors and was stunned when they told him to keep his mouth shut, that they would take care of things. He had begun to drink heavily, and when he was drunk, he had talked. He had become tense. But he worked long hours and went through all the cover-up files. He reconstructed what had happened and prepared a complete report and had just about finished it. He did much of his work late at night at home.
On one of those evenings his wife had gone off on a visit and his son was at college.
The phone call was calm and official-sounding: "This is the police. Have you heard from your son recently? Well, something has happened. "
The policeman said he would come right over to talk about it, and added that he was out of uniform and was driving an unmarked car. Yes, he would have identification: Fairfax County Police.
The car pulled up quietly. There was a quick knock on the door. The policeman entered, showed his identification and was invited to sit down. At the split second when the official turned to usher the "policeman" into the house, he was hit a sharp blow on the back of the head. He suffered a massive concussion and was dead. The "policeman" went to a closet where he knew a rifle was kept (the house had been well cased). The rest was simple. He hoisted the body up on the end of the rifle with the muzzle in the victim's mouth. One shot blew the top of the head off, removing evidence of the first blow. The suicide note had already been typed on the official's typewriter and the signature had been lifted from another paper signed with a ball point pen.
In moments the "policeman" was on his way. The unmarked car was left in back of the Forrestal building, where it had been taken from a pool of cars, and the assassin was on his way by taxi to Washington National Airport. He shuttled on the last flight to New York. He had already made arrangements for a series of flights that would take him to Athens. Less than twenty-four hours later, he was on the beach south of the city, among old friends and acquaintances in the modern world's equivalent of the Assassin Sect. He was a faceless, professional, multinational "mechanic." He earned good money and was convinced he was doing an essential job for the power center that he believed would save the world from communism. This story is, in most particulars, true… “
I love some classic old movies and I find that the makers sometimes knew a thing or two. I’m thinking about Sydney Pollack’s “3 Days of the Condor” of 1975. That was just 7 years before 1983 when Suriname was brutally taken over by a violent coup while the Western public was distracted by Israel’s brutal invasion of Lebanon. Watch “3 Days of the Condor”, kids, and you’ll get what I’m driving at.
For a more recent movie education watch Sydney Pollack’s last film, 2007’s “Micheal Clayton” where assassination becomes more privatized in concert with the modern privatization of what used to be labelled as “government”. Fascism began neglecting its makeup routine after 9/11. Young Whitney Webb makes reference to “The Bourne Identity” and she’s not wrong to do so.
Thank you , very good!
The Kennedy years saw deep US implication in the murder of the Diem brothers in Vietnam and the first of many well-attested efforts by the Agency to assassinate Fidel Castro. It was Lyndon Johnson who famously said shortly after he took office in 1963, “We had been operating a damned Murder Inc. in the Caribbean.". https://www.counterpunch.org/2009/07/24/quot-a-damned-murder-inc-quot/