Sep 26Liked by James Bernard Shepard

I share your despair and rage...

I think "Judging Freedom" is a really good podcast. Napolitano has excellent guests, and I used to listen to all the interviews every day, until I couldn't anymore... But yeah, Johnson and the other guests on that show are ON IT, and the propaganda just doesn't run there.

I agree that Israel is lost, as in, they're all insane, mostly because the people of Israel have been fed a LOT OF BS propaganda about the Pal's... I don't think that is going to be fixed, either. I am FURIOUS that my country, without any vote, with a shit-ton of propaganda of MY people, is FUNDING THIS HELL and there appears to be no way to stop it without a BIG hoo-hah of TRUTH coming out...

The problem seems to be mainly that our (US) media is utterly corporatized and under the control of the EVIL ONES. Same kind of shite going on with the truth about Ukraine. So a lot of the trouble is because of the TRUTH NOT BEING ALLOWED TO BE OUT THERE.

Fie. This MUST change.

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