Aug 4Liked by James Bernard Shepard

Wow! So interesting to have it served up in such a straightforward manner.. every human on this planet needs to see what these counties are capable of.. they need to understand this is not a video game to be turned off when you feel bored …this glorious earth and everything on it could be destroyed..Once again Thank you Jim

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Thanks, Donna. I'm thinking this morning how Zionism is tribalism in the final analysis and valourizing the tribe above all others means dehumanizing as a process of annihilating all other tribes – and that means the breeding females with their infant offspring of the Other Tribe is the primary target, for breeding females are the future.

The ethos of tribalism is promoted among our Western people. The cliche is "divide and conquer". The promotion of "virtual reality" entertainment is like a lullaby sung to make someone unconscious in order to quietly murder them. It reminds me of the most terrible scene in the German movie "Downfall" about the last days of Hitler in his bunker. Frau Goebbels feeding her children a sleeping potion so they can not resist when later she puts the cyanide capsules in their mouths and closes their jaws; she murders her children because everything beautiful and good has died with our beautiful National Socialism and so the children must be saved from surviving for if they do they will become NOT THE TRIBE. It's a great movie; the actress who played Frau Goebbels cried for days after filming that scene.

I am struck emotionally by the latest recruitment video by the Russian Federation Ministry of Defence. It portrays Russian soldiers fighting in the thick of danger praying to God in the various ways of their native cultures. A Russian Orthodox soldier, a Russian Catholic soldier, a Russian Muslim soldier, a Russian Buddhist soldier. The final clip is "We are – a scroll of some 17 of the cultures and languages comprising the Russian Federation rolls rapidly by – ending with "We Are Russian, Join Your Comrades!"

The video is about the nation being not a tribe but a community of peoples of all different cultures and traditions and religions who have left tribalism behind and now unite in one family. So it's a film about the good thing that we are fighting to preserve, not about the bad thing we are fighting against – except that by implication that bad thing is tribalism and apartheid.

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‘God is with us’: WATCH new Russian Army recruitment video — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union


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Aug 3Liked by James Bernard Shepard

No problem! It's what's for dinner, per the Globulist Agenda 2024... Just wait til NEXT YEAR!!!

Actually, I think things will be very different next year...

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They'd better be a lot better. Not just a pull-back from the brink, but solid facts indicating some progress in the opposite direction, towards a permanent resolution of the existential crisis of the world. Civilization must be preserved in order to preserve human life on a crowded world, and that means a sustainable world peace, or human extinction is in sight at the end of a straight road with no turning.

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Aug 4Liked by James Bernard Shepard

Agreed. And I do think we are heading for a bit of growing pains first, but this is quite likely to be a time of Serious Reinvention and New Paradigm… in my opinion. I say, to the Heavens, BRING IT ON!

And hey, old pal, watch this!


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