Jun 19Liked by James Bernard Shepard

McCain and Kerry also left POWs to rot and die in camps.

Thank you for laying out how despicable the McCain camp is

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Reviewing my article this morning, another penny dropped: How convenient it may have been for the McCains and Bronfmans – and Rothschilds and Israel and the AIPAC – to have the former fellow prisoners of John McCain in and beyond the Hanoi Hilton permanently misplaced in North Vietnam instead of back home where they could shoot off their big mouths. Like about how Johnny was so "tortured" by the North Vietnamese that he not only recovered from two broken legs and other injuries but he did some pro-Vietcong broadcasts for Uncle Ho.

I suddenly found myself reconsidering the whole "Rambo" movie franchise. Was that series a clever way to trivialize and marginalize the issues of Nam War POWs? It certainly had that effect in my mind. But now that I open up that little mental box of old assumptions it all takes on a different hue.

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